Fast track your house move

Fast track your house move

For most people, moving house is an exciting time, and it’s only natural to want to fast track your house move and get into your new property as soon as possible. So it can be hugely frustrating to wait around for weeks and even months until contracts are exchanged. Even if both parties are keen to move quickly, any number of minor complications can mean things grind to a halt.

Much of the work involved in processing your transaction is completed by your conveyancer and mortgage provider, so it’s easy to think that you can’t have much of an impact on the length of time it all takes. But in actual fact, there are some positive actions you can take which can help speed things up – and reduce your stress levels!

Five top tips to fast track your house move

  1. Assemble the A Team

Having the right conveyancer in place is of utmost importance. Most people will automatically go for the solicitor they’ve seen on the high street, but traditional, full-service solicitors may move at a snail’s pace. Start with recommendations from friends and family, and read online reviews. You can also check out our guide to choosing a conveyancer for more helpful hints.

Our top tip – choose a conveyancer that offers online case tracking – so you can check the progress of your sale 24/7.

  1. Prepare your paperwork

Don’t wait to be asked for the relevant documents to support your transaction. If you find that you’ve misplaced a pay slip or certificate, you’ll need to arrange for a replacement, which could add days or even weeks to the process.

Get all your paperwork in order right from the outset to save time and unnecessary stress later.

As a minimum, we’d recommend getting your hands on the following:

  • Current passport and/or driving licence
  • Proof of address/utility bills
  • Last 3 months payslips and your most recent P60
  • If you’re self-employed, you’ll need your last 3 years’ accounts and an original copy of the SA302 form from HMRC
  • If you’re selling, you’ll need to pull together information relating to your property, such as boiler checks, guarantees and planning consents.

Our top tip – Get hold of a copy of your credit report and check it’s all correct. Rectify any mistakes as soon as possible to avoid delays.

  1. Have your mortgage offer in place

You should ideally begin the process of obtaining a mortgage before you make an offer on a property. Don’t assume that you’ll be granted a certain amount based on your previous experience of applying for a mortgage. Lending criteria is much more stringent than it used to be. Talk to your preferred lender, or ideally a mortgage broker at the very start of the process. With an ‘in principle’ mortgage in place, you can confidently make an offer on the property of your dreams.

  1. Don’t procrastinate

Completing forms and digging out paperwork is the last thing most of us feel like doing at the end of a busy day. But don’t be tempted to put it off. Complete, sign and return paperwork as and when it arrives on your desk. Don’t be the reason your house move is on go-slow! Check your emails and voicemails regularly to make sure nothing gets missed.

  1. Under pressure

Likewise, don’t feel bad about making sure everyone else is staying on top of the paperwork at their end. Keep things moving with regular communication and don’t assume that your transaction is at the top of everyone else’s priority list. If you know something needs signing or posting by a particular date, by all means get on the phone and check it’s been done!

For more expert advice on your house move, just get in touch.

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